The Ukrainian adaptation of Korean TV series “Ruby Ring”, telling a story of two sisters Anna and Yana, the complex tangle of fates, their relationship and the most unexpected twists in their lives, continues winning the world.
In spring 2020, the show was sold to Africa, to Tanzania-based satellite provider Azam TV. For the first time a Ukrainian TV show dubbed in Swahili will be run on air of Azam Media Channel, which covers 8 Eastern African countries. The deal was made by international distributor GoQuest Media.
Also, “Ruby Ring” was recently purchased by Kanal 5, a Macedonian national broadcaster.
The Ukrainian version of “Ruby Ring” has been sold to over 30 countries of the world – from Europe to Asia and Africa – and now you can hear its characters speaking Vietnamese, Swahili, Arabic, Macedonian, Georgian and many other languages.
It must be noted that the Korean format of “Ruby Ring” by KBS has been aired in 45 countries, and everywhere it had high ratings, which is another proof that the viewer, regardless of their mentality, language or religion, is always interested in strong stories and high-quality content.
“The success of our “Ruby Ring” once again proves that nothing is impossible, and the original and dynamic plot and characters make the story understandable for the broad audience all over the world,” says Iryna Chernyak, Director of “Media Group Ukraine’s” TV Content Sales Department and Director of TV Channel “Ukraine’s” Acquisition Department.