Never Give Up

2020 Year 4 Episodes 45 minutes

Never Give Up


Maryna is a successful business lady, a CEO of a big company and a fiancée of charismatic and handsome Illya. There’s only one thing she lacks being 36 years old – the courage to admit to herself all these things don’t make her happy. Maryna’s life is rather a well-decorated façade behind which she skillfully hides all the pain and trauma she suffered in her youth.
Everything changes one day when a new employer starts working at Maryna’s office – it is Yulia, who is a person from her past. Her sudden reemerge in her life makes Maryna come back to the town where she lived as a child and remember her old pain. Will she have enough strength to look in the face of her old traumas? Will she stand another betrayal? Can she make out the new and true feeling in the tinsel of her life?