2018 Year 4 Episodes 45 minutes



Martha Sveshnikova, whose parents work at circus as a dresser and a riding master, has devoted all her life to sport.
Her parents did not want Martha to work at circus, so she obeyed and started the career of a gymnast. But one day, she is forced to give up sport because of her dishonest coach. Martha makes a decision to realize her childhood dream and become a circus gymnast.
It happens due to a coincidence: a trio of trapeze artists loses their partner for she gets pregnant and cannot continue performing anymore. Max and Vlad start competing for Martha’s affection. Vlad’s mother, Larisa, enters the game.
She wants her son to go to Germany with his show. However, her plot plays a bad joke with her and Vlad: having set up an accident for Martha, Larisa, indeed, causes her son’s fall and bad injury.
Vlad will not be disabled, but he must forget about the arena for the rest of his life. He accepts this fact and becomes a stage director. The show directed by him for Max and Martha wins a prize at an international contest.