2018-2021 Year 60 (3 seasons of 20) Episodes 26 minutes


After a hacking attack on a research institute, a group of young people got superpowers. However, these superpowers are quite specific. instead of helping people they just ruin everything around.

The season is going to impress you with unexpected twists and fun adventures of the party of friends. The main characters will help one of their own and unite their powers, skills and talents to deal with an important and unconventional task.

In the new season, the party’s main enemy will be even more dangerous and unpredictable. Apart from him, Bodya, Vaeria, Oksana, Andriy and Tetiana Hermanivna will have to sort out their own images and feelings and together go through an eventful path. All these things they will be doing with their peculiar humor, fun and creative approach. By the way, the series will also feature a new charming actress, Polina Frolova, who will become an important member of the already well-known party.

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